Tuesday 18 November 2008

Whore it up while you can.....take note in particular the young and inexperienced

As belts are tightened across the industry, both the frequency and luxury of the media jolly will probably be severely reduced. Whilst the recession reigns in it's time to enjoy every jolly offered to every media whore in this god-damned city. Week-long all expenses trips to Ibiza, skiing in
Courcheval and gambling in Las Vegas may never happen in the same way ever again, especially for those below department head; what a terrifying prospect for all of us who aren't there yet....

This year's Christmas parties also seem to have been scrapped or saved for middle management and above; suppliers are celebrating Christmas with all those who have left the midst of excel spreadsheets, competitor analyses and reporting hell. Gone are the days of graduates' first 'Media Christmas' where you should learn (although I never did) that consuming every free drink you possibly can may not cost you any money but may well cost you your dignity. I think it was only last year a newbie cut some moves and his chin on the ice-rink at Somerset House, he went to hospital then returned to the rink, bandage and all, to carry on partying/making a t*t out of himself. The young chap did in fact manage to make the trade press, albeit for all the wrong reasons!

In that respect maybe it's a good thing the young ones aren't going to be showered with booze and canapes this year? Although maybe we shouldn't forget they are the bread and butter of media agencies, without rewarding them (especially as they certainly aren't rewarded financially) then perhaps the industry is not saying thanks to those who possibly deserve it the most?

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