Wednesday 19 November 2008

Twittering with the Blogeratti

So, Mediawitch attended a Blogger's Meetup in a rather pointlessly expensive wine bar in the city (normally being much more accustomed to free booze). The atmosphere was how I imagine a techy singles night would be; everybody was looking a tad shifty, checking eachother out, catching eyes because they want to talk to you and see what they can get out of you!! ;)

At the meeting I wish I'd asked the speaker whether she thought the famous British reserve will hold blogging back. I for one am embarrassed that I've started a blog and I know others who also feel slightly uncomfortable about theirs, it feels rather self indulgent. One friend said he knew his friends would rinse him if they knew what he was up to!

Speaking of self indulgence, Twitter was mentioned in the speech and in various conversation. I have to admit, I didn't know what it was until yesterday but I have to agree with Social Whisper on this one; does anyone really want to know what I'm doing/thinking/feeling etc? I've joined Twitter to find out what this idle banter is all about, currently following a youtube star and Stephen Fry amongst others. I'll report back on whether I've converted shortly....

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Have a look at this on the Online Marketing Blog:

It might give us some inspiration to Twitter!